Public Policy Advocacy

Big Bang Broadband LLC
Big Bang Broadband LLC

As municipalities and utility cooperatives know from experience, the successful implementation of any major project is likely to entail both meticulous design and planning—a hallmark of BBB’s expertise—and effective advocacy before policymakers and bureaucratic agencies. This is especially true of broadband infrastructure deployment, where the policies, procedures and funding mechanisms adopted by federal and state decisionmakers—as well as the competition of ideas and technologies between industry sectors and technology plans—will likely spell the difference between gaining approval and funding for your broadband network proposal and losing out to competing stakeholders, designs and proposals.

Several of BBB’s principals have spent much of their professional lives advocating successfully for their clients’ objectives in the telecommunications and technology arenas before the key political and regulatory bodies that make the critical policy decisions that can either enable or cripple their projects. We have testified before Congress on key telecom policy initiatives on multiple occasions, drafted critical provisions of legislation including the landmark Telecommunications Act of 1996 that still guides telecommunications, broadband and Internet policies throughout the nation, and have successfully obtained favorable decisions and results for our clients at the Federal Communications Commission, many State public utility commissions, and other federal, state and local governing bodies at every level.

Whether it’s obtaining a critical adjudicatory decision or order, obtaining a needed waiver of restrictive rules, or persuading an agency to adopt a favorable new policy (or to discard a restrictive one), we know our way around, we’ve done it, and we can do it again for you.