Pursue Market Participation
- Residential Outreach Program
- Continual Pre-launch Sector-based Training & Education
- Develop Directed User Groups for each Market Sector
- Identify Special Projects for Case Studies in each Market Sector
- Develop Spokespersons for each Market Sector
- Publicize Business Case Study Successes as Deployed
- Identify Future Broadband Use Cases for All Sectors
Create, Operationalize and Launch Broadband Infrastructure Framework
- Create and Staff Broadband Operating Subsidiary
- Formation/Ownership Strategies
- Funding Strategies
- Executive Oversight/Operational Strategies and Staffing
- Develop Sales Strategies and Go-To-Market Plan
- Certification/Legal/Regulatory Compliance Strategies
- Assist and Support Grant Application/Reporting/Reconciliation and 3rd-Party Grant/Financial Audit Process
- Develop Relationships with Complementary Broadband Providers (Buy/Sell)
- Create Biz Dev Initiatives for Partnering Opportunities in all Sectors
Network Construction Project Management
- Segmentation of Project Prioritized by Market Data
- Finalize Segment-based Detailed Design
- Define Supply-side and Enact Materials Procurement Plan
- Commence Construction Plan for Segments as Sequenced
- Oversight and Audit of General Contractor Work Activity and Scheduling
- Field Validation and Make Ready Oversight
- Permitting Oversight
- Material Management Oversight
- Project Coordination
- Periodic Timeline/Financial Reconciliation to Segment Plan
- Oversight of Acceptance Testing of Completed Segments
Broadband Life-Cycle Management
- Identify and Explore New Use Case Opportunities
- Identify and Explore New Deployment Funding Opportunities
- Identify and Explore Expansion Opportunities in New Applications and/or Geography
- Identify and Explore Emerging Technologies for Operational/Economic Optimization Opportunities
- Identify and Analyze New Market Entrants (Competitors and Prospective Customers)