Broadband Orchestration®

Big Bang Broadband LLC
Big Bang Broadband LLC

In the broadband industry many designers and builders of networks focus solely on the ability of consumers to access the Internet; in other words, the simple ability of individuals to make a connection, at an acceptable speed, to the world of applications made available though that connection. If that is your only goal, Big Bang Broadband is probably not your best partner!

At Big Bang Broadband, we believe that to be a very limiting, narrow view of the goals achievable in building a broadband infrastructure with a useful life of 30-40 years. Imagine, instead, a broadband infrastructure that can achieve the many goals described in these web pages, simultaneously. One that is not a cost center, but that pays for itself many times over in top-shelf economic opportunity, quality of life and in its ability to provide access to global centers of employment for the talented children we would love to stay at home and contribute to the welfare of our rural communities.

Big Bang Broadband designs and builds such broadband infrastructure, in concert with municipal and/or utility cooperative leaders who share that vision. From an initial review of market demand and project feasibility, to marshalling available resources, to identifying stakeholders and gaps in understanding the hows and whys of broadband deployment, BBB together with its clients organizes those resources, identifies short and long term goals, and develops a strategy and implementation plan that prioritizes the goals of the multiple stakeholders – then designs and deploys a first-rate network to achieve them.

Often, these clients are too small to undertake the project themselves, and that’s OK! Big Bang Broadband will build consortiums of neighboring communities and other stakeholders with common interest in order to leverage that interest to achieve the scale needed to manageably undertake the project. If there is a way—and more often than not there is—Big Bang Broadband will find it.

Finally, federal and state broadband programs are often available to augment the capital markets as a source of funds. BBB is expert is formulating and managing successful applications for both. We discuss the needs and goals with the identified client-stakeholders and then formulate applications for individual entities, private consortiums and public/private partnerships.

From feasibility, through funding, deployment, operation and sector-specific use cases, BBB orchestrates the optimization of this new broadband utility as critical infrastructure for a growing community.